Monday, February 20, 2012


This is Rachel's newest expression -- perhaps her first ever colloquialism. "Oh YEAH!" she says. She walks around the house saying it in about 10 different ways. Each new way sounds as if she's a teenager talking on the phone with a friend. It's kind of creepy, actually.


She's also becoming a more adventurous eater. Her newest fave: Orange marmalade on whole-wheat bread (not toast). AND she likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She regularly eats her carrot every night (she likes them raw, not "mushy carrots.") And at least she's willing to try new things, whereas before she'd just turn up her nose at them.


Today was Presidents Day which OF COURSE I did not have off. Drew did -- more accurately, he took a furlough day because Rachel was off from school -- and they had a blast! They took a bus AND a train to the children's museum (Rachel's idea, Drew said), and at the museum they played with clay, Rachel had a good lunch, and she had a great time shopping in the pretend grocery store.

Drew called me at 6:15, when I was getting ready to leave work after a looong day, and Rachel insisted on telling me about the day. "We took a bus AND the train to the museum," she said, sounding eerily grown-up. "You should have been there!"

Yeah, I should have. Next year, sweetie. Next year.

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