Thursday, February 2, 2012

Extended Rachel sayings

I didn't manage to write down half the great stuff she said recently, but here's a sampling of the things I did remember:

"You make the best banana bread in the whole wide world!" she called out from the kitchen yesterday while I was getting dressed. I silently told Drew to just hand her the car keys now...

"Mommy, can I say the Shabbat prayers even though it's not Shabbat?" she said Wednesday. Go right ahead, I told her. Folks, she can say all the Shabbat prayers in a recognizable way. As Drew says, she'll be the top student in Hebrew school...

"Thank you for making the soup, Mommy," Rachel said Monday night (I had made a pasta, tomato and Italian sausage soup). "It was yummy as a big cake as big as our house!"


Rachel: How big is the world?
Me: SOO big.
Rachel (insistently) HOW big? Like, 30 miles?
Me: No. More like...a million miles. I really don't know.
Rachel: A million! A jillion! A killion!

If Drew were here he'd be able to answer so much more accurately...


"Wouldn't it be really funny if a rabbit hopped by and it was a chocolate bunny?" Rachel said during dinner. "I want a tomato cake for my birthday (laughing). A brocoli blueberry cake -- GROSS, Mommy! GROSS!"


Rachel: Mommy, I really wish I were a grownup right now.
Me: Why?
Rachel: 'Cause I wanna drink wine. And wear a bra. I want to be really pretty.
Me (firmly): You ARE pretty!
Rachel: I want to be really pretty for chorus!


Rachel: Wouldn't it be funny if when I was a grownup I had a little baby bra?
Me: Why are you so obsessed with bras?
Rachel: Because I like breasts.
Me: Why do you like breasts?
Rachel: Because I like to feed babies!


Rachel: My nipples are full when I have my own babies. I can feed them.
Me (startled): Yes. Who told you that?
Rachel: Daddy.


After I told Rachel that the Hebrew name for Mommy is "Ima" and Daddy is "Abba," (which is about all the Hebrew I know besides "shalom"), Rachel started quizzing me.

Rachel: Do you know how to say "this is a turtle?"
Me: No, sweetie.
Rachel: Do you know to say "this is Rachel's bunny?"
Me: Uh, no.
Rachel: Do you know how to say "Grandma and Grandpa?"
Me: No.

Think I better take some Hebrew lessons -- fast. Can't keep up with my kid!

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