Saturday, September 3, 2011

Thursday night

So, I realized I forgot to talk about Thursday night (Rachel and I went to the State Fair on Friday because her school was closed, Drew needed to finish up a story and I was able to take the day off, so I did). I raced to finish up everything I needed to do, so I didn't end up leaving work until after 6 (I had hoped to leave by 4:30 to get some food for dinner, since I had planned to meet Drew and Rachel at Waterfront Park for an outdoor concert by the Oregon Symphony). Luckily the traffic wasn't too terrible, I found free parking downtown and the concert started late, so I got there close to the beginning. Drew told me Rachel kept asking where I was, and when I got there she ran to me with such a look of pure joy on her face, it was overwhelming. We sat on the blanket, surrounded by thousands of other people, listening to the symphony (the same symphony that recently played to rave reviews at Carnegie Hall) and just took in the atmosphere.

The music was great; it included Gershwin songs danced by the Oregon Ballet Theatre (we were too far away to see much); and during "The 1812 Overture," Rachel got up and DANCED. She really needs to be in a dance class this winter, and I'm going to find one at the community center near our house. (She also informed me today that she wants to learn how to play soccer and tennis and "all the different balls" and that "I can throw better and catch than anyone at school." Heaven help us, I think we may have a budding jock on our hands).

It was a terrific start to the Labor Day weekend, especially the fireworks afterward, which I thought would terrify Rachel but she absolutely loved them -- this from the little girl who Drew left the 4th of July Waterfront Park celebration early with because she was scared of the fireworks -- although she said she only liked watching fireworks at "musical shows" (Drew's reference to the Labor Day concert). I will always remember the intent look on Rachel's face as she sat on Drew's shoulders and looked around her, drinking in the music and the the people. Her profile looks a little like mine. She looked so grown-up, so serious, she took my breath away. I hope I never forget what she was like at this age.

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