Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New friend at preschool

"LOOK, Mommy!' Rachel yelled when I came home tonight. She started to hand me a piece of paper.

"She's getting a new friend at school," Drew clarified. Turns out the piece of paper introduced a bunny the kids will be getting for their classroom, called Bun-Bun.

"She's SOO CUUTE!" Rachel exclaimed. I love the idea of her learning how to take care of animals. We can't have a dog or cat because of Drew's allergies, but I would like Rachel to get, say, a guinea pig someday. I think it would be lovely for her to have something small and cuddly to watch over.


Tonight Drew told me that Rachel continues to progress on the monkey bars -- she can now hang from them by the back of her knees. She needs just the littlest bit of help hooking her knees around them.

"You know what, Mom?" Rachel said at dinner. "My babies can hang by the monkey bars all by themselves. They can hook their feet up!"

"They're very strong babies," she concluded.

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