Friday, July 8, 2011

Drew's turn

Drew had this to post tonight, after Richard got here (hi, PopPop!! Rachel gave you a hug and kiss in synagogue tonight only a few hours after you arrived in town. Pretty soon she'll hug and kiss you the moment she sees you!), we went to synagogue and then had a picnic dinner in Wilshire Park near our house:

"For our last story tonight," Drew said, "Rachel asked me to, 'tell me a story about when you were a little boy.' So I told her about how when I was 2, I cracked my head open while bouncing up and down on my parents' bed. I figured this taught her two lessons: a) Don't bounce on your parents' bed; and b) even when something bad happens, usually it gets better and eventually it becomes a story you can tell your children.

Then, as she walked over to her crib, she said, 'I'm going to tell a story about, when I was a big girl, I walked over to my bed and I was afraid a bear or a monster was going to eat me.'"

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