Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bye-bye binkies!

Tonight was a tough one at bedtime. We had been telling Rachel for a long time that when she turns 3, she'll be a big girl and it'll be time to put away her binkies for good, since only babies use binkies.

We had talked about what to do with them, and suggested she might want to give them to Baby Eva, her friend Lila's little sister who just turned five months old. She agreed with the idea wholeheartedly and solemnly presented them to Eva today (along with a twisty straw).

Drew put Rachel to sleep, which is when she realized that -- gulp -- there were no binkies. She asked for the birthday doll that Lila had given her.

"Are the binkies not coming back?" she said sadly.
"No sweetie, we gave them away to Baby Eva," Drew reminded her.
"But we can buy new binkies?" she said hopefully.
"No, sweetie," Drew replied.

She started crying. Not too loudly, and she soon fell asleep. I suggested to Drew that he tell her tomorrow morning how proud he is of her that she made it through the night binkie-less.

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