Friday, September 24, 2010

She's Jewish, all right

We have been reading from a book called, "The Birthday of the World," a wonderful addition to our library from the PJ Library, a free service that sends us Jewish-themed books every month or so. This particular book talks about G-d asking every creature if they've been "the best they can be" -- the reason being that if you're the best you can be, then the world is the best IT can be -- and Rachel really likes it. I find myself choking up when the child in the book is told how by sharing his toys, laughing and playing, he is lifting the world's spirits. Because Rachel does that for me.

Tonight when we were driving home from daycare, I asked Rachel what she wants to do tomorrow, since I wasn't able to line up a playdate.

"Go to synagogue!" she said. Um, not really -- Tot Shabbat doesn't start up again until next month and there's no way I'd make her sit through a morning service.

Later I lit the candles. She imitated me waving my hands in a gentle circle, then covering my eyes as I said the prayers, lifting our plates and cups to bless the food and wine.

"AMEN!" she said decisively.

At bedtime I said, "Well, it's Shabbat, Rachel, so how about some Shabbat songs?"

"Yeah!" she answered. I sang Lo Yisa Goy, Oseh Shalom, and Shabbat Shalom.

As I tucked her in, I said, "Shabbat Shalom, Rachel!"

"Shabbat Shalom!" she said cheerfully. Then I left the room.

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