Sunday, September 5, 2010

Daddy's home!

It was a joyful reunion Saturday morning when Drew woke Rachel up. "Daddy Daddy Daddy!' she said.

We had a pretty leisurely breakfast, then all went to the Portland Farmer's Market -- a treat for me, since I had been since Drew left. Too expensive, too crowded, too much of a hassle with only one parent.

By the time we got done it was time for Rachel's nap.

Then she and Drew played in the park while I cut the roses and trimmed the lavender bush. Then I got some facial cream from my hair salon that would be impossible to buy during the week because of their hours. And THEN I got a manicure and pedicure.

When I came home, our friend Angela came to baby-sit while Drew and I went out to dinner. Oh, what a fit Rachel pitched! When we returned at 10:30, Angela had just gotten Rachel to sleep! It seems as if she was so hysterical when Angela left that she just wouldn't be soothed.

Then this morning, we met friends of ours for brunch. They used to live here, are living in Vancouver BC and we hope they move back. The one thing I remember from the hour we were with them is that I got to have a lengthy conversation and actually focus on talking and listening. That's because Drew minded Rachel, who immediately found the bookshelf at the coffee shop, brought books back to the table and had Drew read them to her. Drew also took care of feeding her. This is the first time in five weeks that I have no idea what she ate all day because DREW TOOK CARE OF IT. YIPPEE!

Then Drew and Rachel went to the park while I bought some new headphones for my iPod and a watchband. Now Rachel is asleep, I'm about to to some weeding and hopefully will be able to get some bills paid. Drew is doing the grocery shopping and getting himself some new boots.

This sounds like the most boring weekend in the world -- in fact, I told Drew I really, really want to get out of the city tomorrow -- but I got to take care of some things that would be difficult to do if I was soloing with Rachel.

But I've also noticed something else -- Drew being here is a disruption to our routine, meaning I have time to think, which is not always the best thing in the world. When he put her down for a nap today she screamed and yelled bloody murder, and she has said several times when he ran into the store for errands, "Daddy no go way! Daddy no go way!" Drew noted that when he leaves for good on Tuesday, I will have to deal with the consequences of her waking up, finding that Daddy is in New York again, and being hysterical.

Yes, I know it will pass. Yes, I know that we made a mature, conscious decision that this is good for his career, will hopefully lead to more money and more advancement and that we will never never never never do this again.

But that doesn't make it any easier to get through.

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