Friday, July 30, 2010

our little conversationalist

Rachel really is getting to the point where we can have conversations, when she's not whiny or saying "NO!" and lying down on the ground, pouting, with her head on her sweater.

Tonight, after noticing that the sun was no longer shining brightly in the kitchen window, she announced, "sun go home!"

Then while we were getting ready for bed she said, "Cammalla! Calvin! Marigold! Molly!" It's easy to see she misses them, especially when she added, "Camalla pick up!" She misses Camilla picking her up and toting her around!

Two nights ago, when Drew picked her up from daycare, Rachel said, "tomorrow, Mommy pick up."

Drew was astonished since he hadn't told her that he was going to be in Seattle on Thursday and Friday.

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