Friday, July 2, 2010

I've been a tad occupied...

being a stringer the last two days for the New York Post, which hired me to track down documents and people in the bizarre Al Gore/Portland masseuse case. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.

Rachel has a fan club at daycare. All the little kids gather around her when Drew or I bring her in (late, of course, since she tends to sleep until 9 or so) and they say, "Rachel! Rachel!" and try to give her hugs. She often clings to my legs but then, I'm told, she's fine about five minutes after I leave.

Tonight she said, "amen" after the Shabbat prayers, which I thought was adorable. Ditto for "good Shabbas!" after I said it. More and more it's beginning to feel as if we have a little adult in the house!

Yesterday and today she said, "good day!" when we asked how her time at daycare went.

And she remains entranced by garbage trucks. On Wednesday morning she heard the truck pass by and expressed an interest in seeing it: "garbage truck! garbage truck!" So, I took her into the kitchen just in time for us to see the weekly recycling truck empty the garbage cans. Rachel LOVED watching it. "Bye bye garbage truck!" she said as it passed down the street, and throughout breakfast she kept hoping it would return. At every noisy car sound she'd say, "garbage truck? garbage truck?" Will she ever get into dolls or stuffed animals, or do I have a little boy on my hands?

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