Monday, March 22, 2010

Taking a walk with Rachel...

is never simple. We set off at around 5 p.m. yesterday for a family walk, and Rachel was fascinated with the curbs on each block. She kept stepping down, then running forward, then running back, then stepping UP on the curb...and so on. Drew bought her a little pink soccer ball and she discovered how to KICK yesterday.

"I have a funny feeling that she's going to end up being a jock," he said to me last night when we were about to go to sleep.

"How can you tell?" I asked.

"I don't know...maybe it's because she's so active," he said.

Her newest words are "mole" for Mommy's mole on her left hand; "coat," and "yeah." She says "yeah" a lot, and over the past week or so she's actually been able to answer us. Like, yesterday I took her out of her crib after her nap and she pointed to her crotch and said, "pee!"

"Oh, you peed," I said. "Would you like me to change your diaper?"

"Yeah," she said.

She's a person! A little PERSON!

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