Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Baby sign language?

A bunch of moms in my moms' group were very big on baby sign language. One even rented a video on it for all of us to watch. I tried to memorize a couple of easy signs but then just gave up. The argument in favor of it is to prevent pre-verbal babies and toddlers from getting frustrated when they don't have the words to communicate their needs. But we're pretty good at anticipating what Rachel is trying to tell us, so I never taught her the sign language. Plus, I didn't want it to delay her language development.

Turns out that daycare may have taken the baton away from me. Rachel has started stabbing her index finger into her palm when she wants more of something. We believe it is the sign language sign for "more." (Or in Rachel words, "moe."). Wonder how much more sign language she'll pick up?

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