Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Worrisome trend?

For the past two nights, Rachel has been waking up at 2 or 3 a.m., really crying. When one of us goes in to soothe her, she's fine, but when we leave she screams. Absolutely SCREAMS. It seems so long now since that was a common occurrence, we hate to think it's repeating itself.

The first time, I hauled her into bed with me and we managed to cuddle and fall back asleep until 8:30 or so. Last night, Drew let her cry it out, which lasted about 10 minutes. Then she slept until 8:45.

Do we really have to re-Ferberize her? I hope not.


  1. Marigold has been doing the same thing; we were in the pediatrician's office yesterday and I was reading a Parents magazine about how like from 17 to 21 months they are having a lot of separation anxiety and we should comfort them, not sleep train them at this time.

  2. interesting. Has Marigold been especially clingy? Rachel is...she wants to cuddle with me all the time and is not as affectionate with Drew.
