Monday, February 1, 2010

An evening with Rachel

We had a very good one tonight. I was so tired after getting back from Molly's, and it was raining and depressing outside, but seeing Rachel at the end of the day in the lobby of St. James really lifted my spirits. (We had arrived at daycare just in time for lunch, which she actually ate, and she even napped, even though she slept for much of the two-hour trip home).

When I tucked her in her car seat, she pointed to her nose and said, "nose!" And when we were eating dinner and a car passed by, she said, "car!" And while we were reading books, she pointed to two dogs and said, "dog."

She also, after stepping into the little space between the garage and the kitchen, pointed downstairs and said, "Daddy." That means she understands that Drew works downstairs! (he was in Seattle today, of course). I was very impressed.

I have a feeling the floodgates are beginning to open and we'll hear a lot more from our little lady.

She put her shoes in her drawer, again, helped put the balls back in the bin when I announced it was time for dinner, and took her pacifier out of her mouth when I asked, so I could brush her teeth. She also lifted the drain in her little tub when I requested it, and when I unwrapped a package of stickers, she immediately took the wrapping off, went straight to the garbage can, lifted the lid and dropped it inside.

I always thank her profusely and tell her what a helpful little girl she is.

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