Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Wisdom of Dad

I couldn't resist sharing this message, which my dad sent after reading my post yesterday about Rachel's reluctance to try new foods:

"As to your blog.. I well remember a little young lady who it seems, if I remember correctly, spent one whole year of her life eating nothing but hamburgers and peas for dinner, in fact we had a special frying pan for the hamburger. The Teflon finally gave out after a year and we had to throw away the frying pan.

In other words...this too shall pass."

And now that young lady (me) has written a cookbook, eaten enthusiastically on three continents and loves sushi.

I will try to take your advice, Dad. Please remember it when Rachel visits at Passover and refuses to eat anything at the Seder.:)


  1. Your dad is very wise! Our tastes evolve, that doesn't mean she won't try some of the foods you love but don't get stressed if she rejects things. I've read and been told it takes several introductions of the same food to develop a taste for it. Also they may like something the first time they try it but not the next. As long as she's eating her fruits and veggies I would be happy. She will develop a taste for more things as she gets older As far as daycare eating goes, do the kids eat family style? I have found that my kids eat better when they have others to eat with, whether it's friends or the family. I also vowed not to be a short order cook but I do tailor meals to my kids tastes, for example, Jack doesn't like salads so I give him carrot and celery sticks but will make a salad for Andrew. There are some other things that they strongly like or dislike and I won't make them eat it if they have tried it more than once and really don't like it, I will just substitute with something they do like. We do have a 3 bite rule though when the boys are introduced to new food. I basically strongly encourage them to eat 3 bites (exception is if they have an extreme reaction of dislike after the first bite, which is rare). My favorite is when one of them will ask me "is this good?" when presented with a new food. I always say "yes, I try very hard not to give you food that isn't good" in my least sarcastic voice possible - haha.

  2. My friend, Debra, Camilla's godmother, has two grown children who are extremely adventurous eaters, and good cooks, too, just like their mom. She tells me she wishes they had had those palates when they were children, when she could only fix a few items they would eat! I've heard that children's taste buds are quite sensitive. Also, Goldie's pediatrician told me that I should expect her appetite to drop off quite a bit after she turned 1 year old.
