Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

I stayed home with Drew and The Little Girl this morning to watch Obama's speech on TV, since I had a late-morning assignment and figured I'd make it up by working until 6:30 p.m. or so. It was one of the most moving experiences I've ever had, Rachel on Drew's lap, listening to our new President. It's amazing to think that her first memory of a President will be Obama. In other words, she will never think it unusual that a black man is running the country.

That feeling was tempered by later events. Portland's mayor, Sam Adams, has admitted to lying about a relationship he had with a legislative intern years ago. I was one of several reporters deputized to uncover the unfolding scandal. How things will end up -- whether he resigns, stays in office or is recalled -- I don't know. But that's what I'll be busy writing about the next couple of days, I'm sure.

Nationwide elation and localized deflation, all in one day. That's politics for you.

1 comment:

  1. Lisa, if you send the White House a birth announcement, they will send Rachel an official note on fine stationary -- nice to have for a keepsake! I've done it upon the birth of all three of my children, so they can have a special keepsake for their baby books. Perhaps I will send another one of Marigold's to Barack Obama, since she was born the year he was elected.
