Saturday, May 7, 2016

Report card

Rachel brought home a great report card, as usual. Some highlights:

--Areas of difficulty: Using capitalization and punctuation appropriately (eh, e.e. cummings wrote lowercase, so should I care about this?)

--Areas of strength: Computes accurately in mathematics (YAY!!) and reads independently

Ms. Burke (her main teacher) had comments:
--Rachel continued to make progress this quarter. She remains an enthusiastic learner and frequently participates in class discussions. She demonstrated a good understanding during our study of Ancient China and has enjoyed our science unit about weather. In reading, she successfully completed a Navigator unit about Jumanji in which she studied vocabulary, mad inferences and discussed the characters. She continues to be a voracious reader but has recognized the appropriate times to read in class. While still a bit of an apprehensive writer, Rachel enjoyed completing a research project on pandas. She learned the elements of a paragraph and successfully utilized them to complete her milt-paragraph report. Rachel demonstrated a good understanding of the math concepts we studied this quarter and seems to enjoy the subject. For the next quarter, she will continued to practice her subtraction fact fluency. Rachel continues to be a joy to have in class and I look forward to her continued growth during the last quarter of second grade!

S. Byrne (Spanish teacher):
--Rachel is an active part of our class. She often participates and helps those around her. She is attentive and organized. I enjoy having her in my class.

M. Locke (Music teacher):
--Rachel is doing well in music class. She made excellent academic progress during our instrument family unit, identifying instruments by sight and sound, learning how each is played and what materials they are made of. Rachel is a pleasure to have in class, continuing to follow our music rules and participating fully in music songs and activities. She asks great questions and looks to build her musical knowledge. We look forward to presenting our musical to the school community on May 26!

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