Saturday, February 20, 2016

Post-ice storm

It was raining on Tuesday -- really raining -- but, of course, Arlington Public Schools were closed because of the ice the night before that had already started melting Tuesday morning. No, school closures make no sense.

Drew went off to work and I told Rachel I'd bring her to Daddy's workplace because I had to work at 3:30. She came into our bedroom in the morning and the first thing she said was, cheerfully, "Did I miss the adults' heads exploding??"

What could I do but laugh?

I told her I had to do some work that day, but we ended up having a late breakfast and just hanging out. Nicole asked us if she could bring Sydney over for a playdate, and I asked Rachel if she wanted to do that, but she said no, she wanted to spend the day with me alone. I told her that made me feel really good and wrote Nicole back. She was very understanding.

Rachel and I walked to the station -- about a mile -- and she remarked several times that she's not used to getting that much exercise, but she never whined about it. And I encouraged her to do some puddle-jumping because the ice had melted quickly with the rain and warm temps. "I love you, Mommy!" she kept saying.

Really, I think she loved the fact that she got to spend time with me, which she hasn't this week because I've worked five days.

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