Monday, December 7, 2015

A breathtakingly generous heart

On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (which I had off), Rachel and I had the day together. Unfortunately we ended up running a bunch of errands, starting with a haircut for her at the place she always goes to, the Fair Oaks Mall (about a half-hour from home, where I've never been because Drew always takes her to get her hair cut). I pointed out a photo of a bob, and she said "NO," but I asked the hairdresser to cut off so much that it ended up being, in fact, a bob. Which did not please Rachel, but thankfully she got over it quickly. We wandered through a couple of stores, including Macy's, where I picked up a new teakettle (our old one died after Drew pointed out that bits of the inside had flaked off, and I was probably being poisoned, and we were NOT going to use our green teakettle anymore), and then headed home to bake a chocolate-chip pumpkin-cocoa cake.

Then we got Mommy-and-Rachel manicures and pedicures at Nails 2000, my favorite mani/pedi place in Arlington. And THEN we took Metro to meet Drew at Citizen Burger, which he wanted to try after my rave review. We were having a nice dinner until the end, when we started talking about scheduling over the next few weeks -- including the fact that Hanukkah started the week after Thanksgiving, and neither of us had time to get presents until well into the eight days.

And then Rachel, bless her, suggested this: Why not wait until Dec. 13, the last night, to open presents? Astonished, Drew said, "Are you sure?" And she said yes, and I felt my heart burst with pride because we have a raised a generous-spirited child who continues to astonish us with her patience and compassion. "You're a great kid and we don't deserve you," Drew told her, and it is indeed true.

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