Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sherlock Holmes

On Sunday as we were sitting around finishing up a late breakfast, Rachel and I got into a discussion about Sherlock Holmes, one of her favorite authors -- I could swear she knows his stories (at least, the kids' version of his stories, by heart) -- and she asked what my favorite Holmes stories are.

"The Valley of Fear" and "A Study in Scarlet," I told her.

She, of course, asked me for summaries of both.

Do you have any idea how long they are, and how many twists they contain? I obliged, anyway, and when I asked if she really wanted to hear all the details, she said plaintively, "I LOVE hearing your voice; you tell stories so good!" (It's true, she's constantly asking me to tell her stories about my childhood, and about when she was a baby and a toddler, which is why I'm so glad I can turn to this blog).

Then she followed with, "You'd be a good librarian."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you know how to shush kids," she said.


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