Friday, October 18, 2013

Weird Rachel comments

Tonight, as I was making Scotch broth for later next week, Rachel said this as she was finishing a peanut butter-filled chocolate cupcake I made:

"You look like a daisy!"
"You look like a flower that's so beautiful I can't even name it," I replied.
"I'm an ambidextrous chicken!" she shrieked.

I love that kid.

 "Mommy, I don't want to drive until I'm 17," Rachel announced at breakfast this morning.
"Seventeen?You can start earlier than that," I answered.
"I want to wait a year to think about what the driving test will be and who I'm going to drive with," Rachel said. "Just like Barbie. She started driving when she was 10 and it was way too early. The tires fell out, and KEN fell out!"

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