Tuesday, July 9, 2013

And today was going so well....

Got a nice note from my new boss about a project I've just completed at work; he liked it a lot and we're meeting tomorrow to go over a few edits, but it seems I delivered what he had expected (and beyond), and that makes my life a lot easier.

Also got some good news about our house late today.

Rachel and I went grocery shopping tonight; I was wearing my Michigan t-shirt and got into a nice conversation with a guy who called out, "Go Wolverines!" and we chatted about how great Ann Arbor is, what a great experience I'd had there (I believe he said he had two kids who did medical programs at UMich), etc. It was so hot out tonight that I didn't feel much like cooking, so I bought myself a pound of raw shrimp from Fred Meyer, plunked down some cocktail sauce and ate about half a pound while Rachel finished up some lemon chicken I'd made two weeks ago. I impulsively bought corn at Fred Meyer and it was fantastic, so sweet we could have eaten it for dessert. All it needed was a little salt; no butter.

And then the itching started. First on my palms, and then it spread to my neck, and my back, and my stomach and cheeks and arms and lady parts. And that's how I ended up grabbing Rachel at 9:45 and racing all over Portland to try to find Benadryl anti-itch cream because I'd suffered an allergic reaction to the shrimp, which makes no sense to me because I had sushi a week or so ago and I had been fine.

Anyway, we finally found the cream at Walgreen's. Rachel was terribly worried the whole time and insisted on rubbing cream on my back. She voluntarily swept up the crumbs she'd left from dinner and has been an absolute gem about doing all her chores even though she has a cool LeapPad (hand-held computer device) that she loves and could probably spend all day with, but she just plays on it AFTER she has gotten done what I expect her to do. Oh, and on the way home from Walgreen's she fretted that she had somehow been rude to me tonight and I had to reassure her that everything was FINE, and that Mommy's allergic reaction would straighten itself out soon enough as soon as I could rub the cream all over my body. Which I have, but it's still itching and torturing me and all I want to do is take an entire bottle of Benadryl to make it all go away (did I mention the disgusting-looking hives on my chest and shoulders?). But if you use the cream, you can't take the pills for some reason that the bottle never explains.

 So. Looks like I'm in for a wretched night, and I have a big day at work tomorrow. Sigh.


Just as the allergic reaction started really taking hold, Rachel crawled into my lap after dinner, totally unexpectedly, and put her arms around me.

"Mommy?" she said. "If I didn't have you, there'd be no Mommy better."

I could only gasp, thank her and hug her close.

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