Thursday, April 11, 2013

Feeling better...

well, at least Rachel is. The diarrhea seems to have abated. She had it once today at school but we didn't get any calls to pick her up so...I think it's past us. She asked for some Pedialyte tonight (it tastes like a sickly sweet version of apple juice) and we gave it to her anyway.

Rachel was her usual cheerful self tonight. I was downstairs working when she snuck up on me to pretend she was a fly on my back, and then I grabbed her and she sat down by the space heater.

"Be careful about putting papers in front of the heater," she said. "It won't burn but it will digest the house temperature and make it really really hot hot hot!!


"I'm queen of the mommies!" she said as she was hugging me goodnight.
"What makes you queen of the mommies?" I teased.
"Because I love all the mommies!" she answered.

We love you too, sweetie.

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