Thursday, February 28, 2013

Choices, choices

We have now checked out two kindergartens: Alameda Elementary, our extremely excellent (but very crowded) neighborhood school, and St. James, the extremely excellent preschool where Rachel is enrolled, where classes are tiny but, well, we end up paying for that. Next Thursday we're having a conference with Teacher Joe, one of Rachel's teachers, about how to smooth her transition into kindergarten, wherever she ends up going, and some things she needs to work on -- like her tremendous frustration when she feels she's not being understood (hmm, wonder where she gets that from?) by her friends when, say, she wants to be left alone or she doesn't want to do what they're doing.

We've asked for some input from Rachel about where she wants to go to kindergarten (she has never seen Alameda) but the decision will ultimately be Drew's and mine, of course. Here was her feedback at dinner the other night:

"I'm kind of thinking I could learn all about kindergarten at St. James, and when I know what to do at kindergarten I could go to Alameda."

Which is, in fact, what a lot of parents end up doing if their kids are born during odd times of year (November, December, January, February, March). We have several months to make a decision.

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