Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rachel speaks Yiddish!

I've posted before about Rachel's enchantment with the Hanukkah song that Mom and Dad used to sing to Daniella and me every year at Hanukkah. It's in Yiddish, which I will not even try to transliterate here. I know the words only because they got embedded in my brain during my childhood. I can even sort of mimic a Yiddish accent.

Now that Rachel's in dance class, she wants me to sing "the fast Hanukkah song," which is the song Mom and Dad sang to us, except the last two verses are speeded up. The entire song consists of Rachel twirling around slowly on one leg, dipping and swooping her arms now and then. After the last two verses she looks slightly confused and insists the floor is spinning, because she gets dizzy from twirling!

Tonight she actually started singing the song with me in YIDDISH! She even got up on my lap and we finished out the verses. I'm sure she'll have it all down by Hanukkah.

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