Wednesday, March 30, 2011

You know you're a mom when

you see two mallards on the sidewalk, like I did yesterday, and all you can think of is how you wish your toddler was there so you could say, "Look, Rachel! Mr. and Mrs. Mallard from the "Make Way for Ducklings" book! They flew all the way to Salem just to visit! Hi Mr. Mallard! Hi Mrs. Mallard! Glad to see you!"

Yes, I really am losing it. Clearly it is time for Drew to come home.


Little worry item for today: Rachel seemed listless around dinnertime. She liked working on her puzzles and making me pretend fruit soup, but as we got ready for bed she kind of collapsed into my arms and just kept hugging and holding on to me. She didn't even want any songs; she said she was sleepy and wanted to go to bed.

This is the second night she has barely eaten anything. Tonight she had a few bites of rigatoni and last night is was 3/4 of a jar of apple butternut squash. I looked into her lunch bag today and the only thing she had eaten was a tiny cup of strawberries I had packed, along with other treats like yogurt, an orange and some raisins.

She also kept complaining that her ear hurt, that she had a headache, that her neck hurt and her feet hurt. I hope she isn't sick or, worse...well, I won't allow my mind to go there. I hope her appetite recovers tomorrow. If not, I may have to take her to the doctor next week.

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