Saturday, May 1, 2010

Daddy books & thank you

Two things of note today: I've spent most of it apart from Rachel because I was on a panel in the morning about courts and the media, and I'm working a night cops shift that ends at 11:30 p.m. Drew brought Rachel into the bathroom this morning as I was finishing up my makeup. She seemed perfectly content to wave "bye-bye!" to me as I rushed out the door. Probably because she knew that she'd get Drew all to herself today.

I called home before I started my shift and Drew told me that Rachel said, "Daddy books!" after breakfast. Only now it seems to mean that she sits on his lap and
"reads" books to herself until she decides she wants Drew to read to her.

Really, she'd probably let us read to her all afternoon if we could.

She also said at least one unprompted "thank you," (which in Rachel-ese sounds like "thank-oo!") after Drew gave her some yogurt. She is getting better and better at saying "please" and "thank you" at the breakfast/lunch/dinner table. Now we'll move on to trying to get her to say those words in other parts of her life. Also, we'll start teaching her to say, "you're welcome!"

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