Friday, October 9, 2009

whine, whine, whine....

Rachel has been whiny, off and on, the last two days. Drew describes it as listening to a dentist's drill, and he is absolutely right. It's as if she's unsatisfied with something and she can't figure out what it is. I hope this recedes next week when we're in California visiting Grandpa Oliver and Grandma Sylvie.

Last night we got a sheet from St. James explaining the Toddler 1 section. She'll have one naptime and defined periods of music and art. Hey, at least she'll be exposed to it before entering Portland Public Schools, where art and music are dismissed as frills and have been slashed to ribbons. Sigh.

I bought her a puzzle, two toy cars and some clothes at a consignment store I found yesterday while reporting a story in a town about an hour away from Portland. Turns out some of the clothes that were labeled 18 months are really for 2-year-olds, which means that I bought corduroy pants for her to wear in...July. Silly mommy! Oh, well, each piece was $1 so it's not like I wasted an undue amount of money. I'm sure I can swap them for some properly fitting clothes at one of the giant swaps around town.

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