Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rachel's latest stats

We took The Little Girl in for her 9-month-old checkup today, even though she is, technically, 9 1/2 months. No shots, but she still screamed her head off when the doctor scooped earwax out of her hear and listened to her heart with a stethoscope. Totally normal stranger anxiety, Dr. Rappaport said. He was very impressed with her weight and appearance.

She is:
29 inches long (90th percentile)
18 1/2 pounds (50th percentile)

Her head circumference is in the 50th percentile, which Dr. Rappaport assures me has absolutely nothing to do with whether she'll get into an Ivy League college or not.

She also has an ear infection, which we are treating with penicillin. That may be why she doesn't always respond when we call her by name. (Actually, I thought it was because she was ignoring us since she tends to be very involved with what she's doing at any one time). Good thing Dr. Rappaport thought to check her ears. He will also give her a hearing test after the infection clears up, just to make sure she doesn't have any hearing issues.

I have and will be working crazy hours this week, so Drew has spent more time with Rachel than I have lately. He noted three things:

--she is starting to pull up, using the living-room table
--she can stand alone, unassisted except for leaning against something, for several seconds
--we really, really need to baby-proof the house. So, all of you who have given us lovely small gifts over the years that we've displayed on tables and bookcases -- please forgive us when you visit and don't see them. I plan to pack them away until she is, oh, 17 or so.

Just kidding. I think.


  1. I think Marigold has her 9-month-old appointment next week. We'll have to compare notes!

  2. definitely! sounds as if she is doing more than Rachel is, probably because she's trying to keep up with her bro and sissy!

    I am recovering from a cold and Drew is in the middle of one, so we will keep you updated on whether we'll be able to come by this weekend.
