Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rachel's first Purim

Rachel and I went to Beit Haverim's "Purim Spiel" last night and had a great time, sitting together in the back while the actors (Rabbi Koch, Cantor Brown and several board members) cracked us up with funny songs and witty dialogue. She held out fussing until the very end of the hour-long presentation.

I tried to show her how a grogger works, but she was more interested in banging it against her leg and chewing on the noisemaking part. I told everyone that, soon enough, Rachel will figure out how to wind it and make a terrific racket.

I think the evening left her a tad wired -- she kept yowling when I tried to put her to bed and didn't fall asleep until around 11. Then she woke up, yelling, at 5:30. I lost my temper and stormed out of her room, whereupon she fell asleep within 3 minutes and didn't wake up until 8! And she woke up burbling to herself, so I assume she has forgiven mommy for losing her cool.

I, however, have not.


  1. I've found that they don't start holding grudges until age 6.


  2. are you sure?:)
    Sorry for all the illness in your house. When everyone gets better, let's get together!
