Monday, March 30, 2009

A weekend with Grandpa

Grandpa Rich was in town, after spending time with Amanda and Jenn in Seattle. We had a lot of fun together, even though it took Rachel about a day and a half to get used to him (by Saturday afternoon she let him hold her in his lap; by Sunday he was watching her while she played on the living-room rug). Saturday was rainy and crummy, so we hung around the house while Richard watched the UConn basketball game (it's basketball season? I thought it was baseball season...) and Rachel napped on my chest. Then we went to a local brewpub where Rachel sat in a restaurant high chair for the first time! I think we're pretty much done with confining her to her car seat at restaurants.

On Sunday, we grabbed the sunshine and went to Tryon Creek State Park, a lovely enclave that borders Lewis & Clark College. When Rachel got fussy, we hopped back into the car, drove home, grabbed the Ergo baby holder and then went to Forest Park. I ended up napping in the car for two hours while Drew, Rachel and Richard went hiking. When we came back home, I spent two hours roasting a chicken and potatoes, creating a salad and baking pound cake (after one disastrous attempt) and chocolate sauce for dessert. Richard was kind enough to hang around to eat it before he had to leave to get back to his hotel, as his flight back to the Outer Banks was something like 6 a.m. this morning.

Unfortunately I seem to have caught Rachel's cold, and after two days of sleeping through the night she is back on her old schedule of waking up at 2 a.m.

Sick and sleep-deprived is just not a good combination to start the week.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Fishies in my bathtub

The day is fast approaching when we'll need to bathe Rachel in a grown-up tub instead the baby one we plop her into every night. So with that in mind, Drew got a package of bath stickies to put on the floor of the tub so Rachel won't slip and slide around any more than she has to.

I remembered those stickies from when I was a kid. The ones in our bathtub were flowers and they stayed on FOREVER. I believe they are still there today, long after Mom and Dad moved out of the Whitehall. The more modern ones don't have glue on the back at all; they stick to the tub via suction cups, so they can be removed when Rachel gets older.

Also, I got confirmation last night that Rachel is, in fact, Jewish. She had finished an entire jar of baby food PLUS a cookie (which she gummed to death and smeared all over the high chair tray, the side of her head and her eyelashes) when she began eyeing the piece of potato latke I had placed on her tray an hour earlier. I figured I'd try to get her to eat it one more time...and she did! She chewed it a bit and swallowed it! This, after biting the cookie in half. She's beginning to seem more and more like a little girl instead of a blob who takes in food and then expels it hours later.

She still isn't sleeping through the night, however, and I'm worried she has forgotten how to do so. Drew took her to the doctor today. The prognosis: Her ears are fine (the day care folks said Rachel hasn't been "herself" the last few days and they thought it might be an ear infection), but now the doctor thinks she may be coming down with a sinus infection. When will it end? "When she's in college," isn't a good answer.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sorry I've been away....

but it has been a difficult week. In brief:

--Rachel caught some kind of virus at daycare last week. I had to leave early on Thursday to relieve Drew, who picked her up from St. James's but had to finish a hot story he's working on about bank failures. I worked a very early shift Friday and stayed with her in the afternoon, just long enough for Drew to get 4 hours' worth of work done.

--Her illness and subsequent teething caused Rachel to wake up every two hours or so. On Saturday, the third day of this, Drew was wiped out and we snapped at each other before I headed to an all-day coaching session with my chorus. Although the virus and fever are gone (we never did figure out what was ailing her), Rachel is still waking up at least once a night, hungry, so we're giving her a bottle and attempting to get her right back to sleep. It's as if she's regressed to infant-hood; very discouraging. We are temporarily dealing with the situation by sleeping in separate areas of the house so at least one of us gets sleep. Which is not a very happy situation, and compounded by the fact that I'll be on my own with her tonight and tomorrow. Good thing I have a three-day sleep resevoir; I'll need it.

--My pay has been cut 10 percent, I have to take four days of unpaid leave sometime between May and September, and my pension will be frozen at its current low level. These changes were announced yesterday and I am still reeling from the shock at having to live on 10 percent less of my salary. I am extremely thankful to have a job, but still never thought it would come to this.

--I'm trying to keep focused on the fact that I live in a great part of the country, I am employed in a career I love, and I have a healthy, beautiful baby daughter who although frustrating is the light of her mom and dad's life.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Heart in my mouth

..after Rachel nearly twisted herself off the changing table and onto the floor last night. It was scary to realize how mobile she is becoming.

Ditto for the crib. She isn't trying to pull herself up -- at least, not yet -- but as I put her to bed last night, she rolled over onto her elbows and stomach and started eyeing the top of the crib. Then she reached toward it.

I told Drew (who is driving back from Seattle tonight) that he MUST lower the crib this weekend. It will make it more difficult for me to reach down and and lift her up, since I have short arms. But it will bring me more peace of mind.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Portland Children's Museum

..we discovered it this past rainy Saturday, when we were feeling really cooped up. We took Rachel on a tour and promptly signed up for a yearlong membership. Drew says it will be a great place to take her on Fridays when the weather is cruddy and he's trying to think of things to do with her.

On Sunday, I took Rachel for a hike through Tryon Creek State Park, a wonderful sanctuary in the middle of the suburbs. I have been avoiding taking her out in bad weather, but we had a great time even though it rained -- rather, hailed! -- in the middle of our hike! (she was asleep most of the time and didn't seem to mind). As the breeze wove through the pines, I felt as if we were up in the mountains instead of in Lake Oswego.

I am now eagerly anticipating summer, when we can strap TLG (The Little Girl) on our backs and take her hiking EVERYWHERE -- the mountains, the Coast, even up to Seattle! And now that it's staying light longer, I plan to take her on walks through the neighborhood when I get home from work and Drew is up North. I see many gelato runs (to Mio Gelato, a great dessert option within walking distance of our house) in our future.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Rachel's latest trick getting herself from a stomach position to a sitting position! She did it about 90 minutes ago in her crib after waking up. Drew had just placed some work calls when she started making her little post-sleep baby noises. He walked into her room to discover her sitting up and looking around "as if she was looking for something to do," he said. He pronounced Rachel "an amazing baby."

I, of course, am dreading the day that she starts walking and figures out hundreds of ways to kill herself.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Milk Breath Drew's new nickname for Rachel even though, technically, we are not giving her milk yet. She's still on formula. We are counting the days until she turns 1 year old and can give her real milk, and our weekly grocery bill plunges because we don't have to spend $25 a week on formula!

Drew also calls her "Baby Yuck" because she still spits up. And it's usually after her morning feeding, after we've changed her into her outfit for the day, and she decides to urp all over it. For some reason, the spitup drives Drew nuts. I, however, have never minded it. Whereas her crying still makes me tense and occasionally crazy, but Drew manages to block it out. I think that's because in college, he always studied to loud, obnoxious punk rock. I, however, need absolute silence when I'm reading or writing.

I'm already trying to brace myself for Rachel interrupting me every five minutes when she's older and I'm trying to concentrate on something.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

She's eight months old!

and Rachel is...

--getting heavier every day
--fascinated with everything on the changing table EXCEPT stuffed animals: The Vaseline jar, the Butt Paste box, the body lotion I rub on her body every night. Why am I even bothering trying to interest her in traditional toys??
--snuggly only when she's tired. Then, she lays her cheek on my chest and falls asleep as I gently stroke her back.
--extremely curious. Her eyes roam everywhere and her arms reach out for anything she finds interesting.
--more attached to mom and dad and less inclined to let our friends hold her.
--whiny when she doesn't get enough sleep. Or, when she's teething.
--eagerly scarfing down baby food. Although she doesn't seem to like rice much, even when combined with peas, one of her favorite foods.
--determined to figure out how things work. Last weekend, as I tried to put her fingers around the zipper on my pullover, she gently took my hand and put it to the side. The gesture said, "Mommy, I want to do it MYSELF!"
--blue-eyed for good, we think. No sign of her lovely eyes changing color.
--a constant reminder of how, despite the terrible economy and the collapse of newspapers, how lucky we are.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Rachel's first Purim

Rachel and I went to Beit Haverim's "Purim Spiel" last night and had a great time, sitting together in the back while the actors (Rabbi Koch, Cantor Brown and several board members) cracked us up with funny songs and witty dialogue. She held out fussing until the very end of the hour-long presentation.

I tried to show her how a grogger works, but she was more interested in banging it against her leg and chewing on the noisemaking part. I told everyone that, soon enough, Rachel will figure out how to wind it and make a terrific racket.

I think the evening left her a tad wired -- she kept yowling when I tried to put her to bed and didn't fall asleep until around 11. Then she woke up, yelling, at 5:30. I lost my temper and stormed out of her room, whereupon she fell asleep within 3 minutes and didn't wake up until 8! And she woke up burbling to herself, so I assume she has forgiven mommy for losing her cool.

I, however, have not.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Hair, and other odds & ends

The baby bald spot is gone! Rachel seems to be growing hair at an amazing clip these days. It's so cute and fuzzy, especially when we've given her a bath and I've rubbed her scalp and her hair sticks up as if she has a cowlick. We are just waiting for the day when we can give her a little pageboy hair cut with bangs that stop right above those big blue eyes of hers...

She fell asleep again on my chest yesterday while I leaned my head back on the couch and snoozed. Awake, though, she was still really fussy.

Drew bought some baby food with more texture -- peas with rice. She didn't seem to like it much, although she really enjoys strained peas. Maybe it's just the rice that threw her off. I'm going to try it again tonight.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Crackers & Crawling

Rachel apparently likes crackers after all! Drew gave her an arrowroot cookie as a between-meals snack today and she inhaled it, he said. It was all over her bib when he got her home from the library. She smells like cookie!

And she started rocking back and forth on her arms and knees today. You can tell she has ALMOST got the hang of going forward. Or at least, hoisting herself from a kneeling to a sitting position.

It's amazing watching her figure things out, even though she has been in a cranky mood the last two days.

Friday, March 6, 2009

No more naptime?

Rachel decided that she didn't want to nap in her crib today -- only on Drew's lap. We hope this isn't the beginning of a new trend, because it will make it impossible to get anything done while she's asleep. And with two busy working parents, there is a LOT to get done around here.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trying to walk?

Last night I put Rachel on the playmat after feeding her turkey vegetable stew which she loved (AND it was the first time she took the spoon in her mouth and tried to feed herself instead of waving the spoon around and trying to shake the food off of it). She got busy with her toys -- a great activity board with buttons to push and wheels to turn, plus soft, brightly-colored blocks that our friends Anna and Judy gave us.

I sat on the couch and put one leg on the playmat. All of a sudden Rachel put her arms around my leg and started pulling on my pants. It felt as if she was trying to lift herself up! I helped her up but she was so wobbly on her feet that she immediately plunked back down. She grabbed my leg a couple more times before I swept her up in my arms and walked into the kitchen for bathtime.

Could she, in fact, be close to standing? Or even walking? Only time will tell...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bad night

Rachel woke up at 5:30 a.m. this morning, crying. I couldn't get her to stop, so Drew gave her a bottle (unusually early) and baby Tylenol (for teething, she sounded as if she was in pain) but nothing worked. Apparently she decided that if SHE was up at 5:30, the whole household had to be up, too.

So now Drew has to drive to Seattle on about 4 hours of sleep, and I have to finish a huge story for the paper's arts & entertainment section. But Rachel doesn't care. She knows she rules the house -- at least until she starts walking and talking and we can tell her to go to bed and stay there until mommy and daddy wake up.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Fun with zippers

Zippers fascinate Rachel. She doesn't quite have the motor control to grasp and pull them up and down, but she goes right for them whenever Drew and I hold her. (We have several pullovers with zip-up necks). I've tried to grasp her little fingers and fold them around the zippers, to no avail.

Big day yesterday for her: At day care, she ate an entire jar of bananas! We're about at the point where we need to feed her three times a day instead of two. Unfortunately our mornings are so rushed that we don't have time to sit down and patiently feed her oatmeal. So she ends up eating solids twice a day instead of three. Does that make me a bad mom?

Her latest tricks are to blow raspberries right after she's taken a spoonful of carrots, meaning that her bib, the high chair tray and mommy get covered in orange goop. Afterward, she cocks her head to the side and gives a big grin as if to say, "Hey! I'm cute! Take my picture!"

She would be exasperating if she weren't so funny. And cute.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Rachel and I had a playdate yesterday with Anna (mom) and Grayson (her 9-month-old son). I met Anna through one of the moms groups I joined, frantic and miserable, about 7 weeks after Rachel was born. She was the only other mom in the group who fed her child formula and gave me permission to stop trying to breast-feed when it wasn't working: "If you switch to formula, don't look back." I haven't, and Rachel is thriving.

Grayson is a sweet-looking kid, blue eyes and blond hair, and boy is he active! He came right up to Rachel's car seat and starting poking her face and trying to play with her. She endured it for a little while and then started crying, obviously traumatized. So I picked her up and cuddled her, fed her a bottle and then she went to sleep in my arms.

I'm still getting over what a powerful feeling it is to be able to pick up a crying baby -- MY crying baby -- and have her stop the minute she's in my arms. I wish all of her problems will be as easy to solve, but I know that some day I won't be able to soothe her fierce heart so easily. And that makes me sad.

She is so giggly lately, especially when Drew or I laugh at her or near her. Her whole face breaks into a huge grin, and her sweet laugh bubbles out of her. I love hanging out together. After we got home yesterday she played with her toys on her playmat while I sat nearby, reading the Sunday paper. Every once in a while she'd spontaneously erupt in giggles; I'd tickle her tummy, she'd start playing with her toys again and then another burst of giggles would erupt and I'd tickle her again.

Forget what I thought about having long, thoughtful discussions with my little girl about British monetary policy or the fine points of the Nixon recession. She's a lot of fun just the way she is!