Monday, April 7, 2014

Sad/worried Rachel

Rachel has been weepy and kind of clingy the last two days or so. She insists to Drew and I, separately, that she's a bad kid, and we can't possibly love her, and she has asked each of us plaintively, "Do you love me? Really? Are you SURE?"

And then tonight she asserted that the only reason I tell her I love her is to be nice.

I don't quite know where this is coming from. On the one hand, I'm a little stressed out because I start a new job tomorrow and I'm under deadline pressure to finish a story before we all head out next Saturday to NYC on spring break (YAY!!! Can't wait!!!). Come to think of it, maybe that's unsettling to our little girl and she's wondering if that means a change in her status.

I came up to her as I was preparing to feed her a bit early tonight (Drew left work late) and told her that we would always love her -- even if she does bad things, even if she goes to prison, even get the idea. She cheered up after a bit, but it's like this little dark thundercloud is just beneath the surface of her cheeriness. I hope it clears up soon.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Wow, what a weekend!

Saturday and Sunday were a huge blur, so I will try to recap:

Saturday we got up early because Rachel had gymnastics, a birthday party AND a tee-ball game (her team is the Giants, and she looks very cute in her Giants t-shirt and baseball cap, which she wears backwards) and I had to meet a friend of mine, a law professor from Willamette, for brunch in the District. Warren, the professor, stayed with us on Wednesday night and I saw her for part of Thursday. She was here to give a lecture on clinical legal education at American University's law school, and it was great to be able to spend time with her.

Anyway, Warren picked me up after 9 and took me to the most fabulous place EVER -- Ted's Bulletin, near the Eastern Market, where they have HOMEMADE POP-TARTS. We met some alums of Willamette law school, and we had a terrific breakfast. The staff were great and very attentive, and I got into a fascinating conversation with one alum about a notorious Oregon politician who I once covered and she worked for, and she gave me at least two story ideas that I am eager to pitch to The Washington Post as soon as I get a couple of other stories off my plate. This is what I love about D.C. -- this place is brimming with interesting people who have interesting stories. Heaven for a writer!

I dropped Warren off at the airport, raced to the tee-ball field to catch the last few innings, then headed to two libraries to drop off some overdue books. I got home just in time to change clothes and greet the babysitter, Gil, who was going to watch Rachel while Drew and I headed to a silent auction for McKinley Elementary -- it included dinner, free drinks and dessert -- and I submitted two donations: a pig roast with my book co-author, Dan Huntley, and four homemade quick breads. Both items got lots of bids, and this morning I found out that the pig roast resulted in a $1,000 donation for McKinley -- the largest donation of the entire auction!! Yippee!!

Today I cooked some chicken and pasta and baked a cake for our friends Jeff and Crystal, who just had a sweet little baby named Julia. (Jeff and I used to work together at The Oregonian; he is now a media lawyer here in D.C.). Rachel and dropped off the food, admired the baby and I promised to bring more food over in a couple of weeks. Then I took Rachel to a "Frozen"-themed birthday party at her friend Zoe's house -- Zoe is one of three girls, and their house is gorgeous -- and then I ducked out to have a long phone conversation with a former colleague at Willamette who is moving to New Mexico. Then I took Rachel shopping for a Passover dress -- a three-hour endeavor that was actually fun because she was delightful, and we got two pretty dresses and some accessories -- then came home, prepared chicken for grilling, and then I lay down because I was so tired. We all had a late dinner and now I am ready to head to bed and start the week in another eight hours or so.

Providing, of course, I get enough sleep. I have been having sleep trouble lately, either waking up really early in the morning or having such vivid dreams that I wake up exhausted. Drew says it's because I have a restless mind. Or maybe a busy life??

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Rachel the Very Considerate Child

I had unusually fierce period cramps today, and we are expecting a guest tonight (my friend Warren Binford, a law prof at Willamette, who is in town to speak and attend some events before flying home on Saturday). I've been busy with other projects and didn't have time to clean until tonight.

As soon as Rachel and I got home from the playground, she ordered -- and I mean ORDERED -- me to lie on the couch. And she did more than that; she set the table all by herself, which included dragging her little chair to the kitchen cabinets and getting the big plates and glasses out. About that time Drew came home early from work and immediately asked what it was that he could do. Rachel told me she had ordered me to lie down, and then announced that she was going to clean the bathroom even though I haven't taught her that particular skill yet. She pulled on my rubber gloves, went upstairs, wet a sponge, and proceeded to SCRUB THE BATHROOM FLOOR SOLELY WITH THE SPONGE. When I came upstairs she had stripped off all her clothes and was so hot and exhausted that she said she couldn't finish (although she had cleaned the top of the sink, too).

Mind you, I had never taught her the skills to do all that. I had planned to in the next couple of months by making out a chore list and divvying it up among all of us. But because she was concerned about Mommy's tummy, she did it all by herself.

I swear I have no idea where this kid came from.